I’m going tell you how different views capitals have between Tokyo and Wellington. I will show you alot of pictures, so please think how different thses country yourself.
The first different part is area. Wellington's urban district area is 290km2, and the Tokyo is 2,102km2. Its mean, the size of Tokyo is 10 times of Wellington, so you might not feel to narrow in Tokyo. It is NOT!!! Japanese capital is center of economy and government, so it became to narrow and thriving necessarily. However Wellington is not enter of economy, it is center of the island, and you know, they don't have a lot of people in Japan.

The third is old buildings. In New Zealand was colony of the U.K. so there are a lot of british buildings. However in Japan took in Asian things so we have some temple or shrine, like Asakusa temple.

We can see the own colour of each country from capital view. If you find some difference from these view, please tell me!
7 件のコメント:
Your blog is very good!!
There are many pictures, so I knew about NZ's situation.♪♪
Oh! Your blog is great! I feel as if I am in New Zealand, now.
The all pictures are very beautiful!
I saw these pictures,and I'd like to go to Wellington!!!
Your blog is good and easy to see!!
All pictures in your blog are beautiful, and I want to go to New Zealand to see them.
Your blog is so good! It has many pictures and links. It's easy to read for me, so I want to read more information you read!
Your blog shows a lot of pictures and contains good information. I could understand easier.
Nice blog;)!
I enjoyed reading your blog.