In my town has the autum festival. It is called "Toyohashi Maturi", that's mean, Festival of the Toyohashi. 54th times to hold it from this year, and it can enjoy from kids to olds. Almost people who live in Toyohashi city will enjoy it.
This year's Toyohashi festival will hold on 18th and 19th October. It has been held since 1954, and it's the best festival in Toyohashi city's event of all year. "Eejanaika Toyohashi" is message theme. Eejanaika means it's good, eh? like this. The mayor of my city, Masaru Hayakawa, said "people who have never been to Toyohashi and citizen will enjoy to join this festival. I hope it become good time to commucate for many people."
In this festival has a lot of event. The first, the Paradise of Figurative arts of Children (Zoupara)that is show time of almost children's (from pupil to junior high school) growth. The second is "Sou Odori" that is a lot of people (about 10,000 people) dance at the main road. There are Japanese drums and big sound music. these sound made us excite!! The third is "Toyohashi Pareca" that's mean Parade and carnival of Toyohashi. It is start to parade every 40 minutes. A lot of children or adults, music bands, old people paform then.

←Second hand
However, I reccomend to go to shopping the second hand then. Every year I will enjoy to go shopping there because it is contribution from citizen so there have clothes, shoes, books, CDs, hats,daily stuff and stuff like that. Sometimes I can get rarity thing. It's like a treasure hunt.
1 件のコメント:
Many pictures are great!