Have you ever been to The NUFS ? I'm going to tell you about The NUFS Festival's some Event. There are a lot of Events, I'll pick up for you some my recommendatory Event.

All events hold during 2 days. This is the Map of this year's festival. You can see 4 stages that had many events both days. Main stage had some entertainers. This year, Megaryu who are group of reggae duo, and ←Hitoride dekirumon who is famous dancer. Also we had many events at other places.

Let's see this year's time table. There are 17 events places. In this, I recommend that entertainer’s performances, LIVE of music club, photo show of shot club, fashion show of NUAS and International events of NUFS.
You can see NUFS and NUAS another face!! Next time you should go to school festival!! If you want to join festival, let’s belong to some clubs!! Anyway, this Map and time table made by festival club. I want to thank you for them.
You can see NUFS and NUAS another face!! Next time you should go to school festival!! If you want to join festival, let’s belong to some clubs!! Anyway, this Map and time table made by festival club. I want to thank you for them.